Thursday, October 14, 2010

1st Quarter Self Analysis

Well this experience so far has been a whole lot different than the intro class.  The thing that i had the hardest time understanding was the standard based grading system.  Finally i get it now.  Another thing i had a little trouble understanding was  biochemistry.  Some of the organization of molecules still don't make sense but most do.  The standard that i had the most trouble with was self analysis.  I guess i just don't like talking about what i learned or maybe i just didn't know what i learned.  It would help if i forgot about for wheelers for an hour an actually really focused.

This quarter i learned a lot about the complex stuff of molecules.  How they're aligned, how many of each element do they have, and wether it has a positive or negative charge to the ion.  I didn't even know before this class that there were different types of sugars or that water was the universal solvent.  This is just the top of the surface on what i've learned this quarter.  I hope that i will learn and understand even more next quarter.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Water Article Review
Well this was pretty confusing the first time I read it but the second time it made sense.  The main point of the article was that theyy have found a way to see waters atomic structure.  Graphene was placed on the surface and island like structures popped up which was water.  They relized that the graphene sheets hugged the water molecules so tightly that it revealed their delicate atomic structure.  With this technique the researchers revealed new details on how water covers surfaces since water is every where.  To do this technique you must preform it on a flat suface or else you will have imperfections.  Scientists are trying to further the resolution of this technique so they could study anti-bodies and other protiens.  This is what I learned from the review article.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Carbohydrates Lab

 This is our lineup of the carbohydrates we used.
 Caryn is holding our dissaccharide after adding iodine.
 This is one of our Polysaccharides double bubble bubble gum.
 Another lineup of carbohydrates.
Ground Skittles in a simple water solution.                  

Adding benedict's solution to our skittles and our bubble gum beakers.  Then putting each beaker into boiling water to see how the carbohydrates react to then benedict's solution.