Friday, January 14, 2011


Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh Meiosis is coming run for your life!  Watch out prophase is starting.  There isn't a nucleus anymore.  The chromosomes are starting to line up.  oh no its metaphase.  Woah wait half the mom's chromosomes are on one side of the cell and the dad's are on the other side.  Oh no the cell is starting to divide its anaphase. Its telophase now and the cells keep dividing.  No its cytokinesis there is two of them now.  Were all gonna DIE!!!!!!  Hey wait they are entering prophase two.  Now metaphase, now anaphase, here comes telophase...I am sorry to inform you but this is a national alert please go to your base ment.  There are four giant cells after only one cycle of meiosis.  WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE (eventually).

Stem cell video reflection

Well on Monday January 10, 2011 we watched a lecture on stem cell research.  Dr. Rosenthal talked mostly about newt's and how they can regenerate entire limbs in about an average period of 70 days.  They can do this because of stem cells.  The Stem cells first close up the wound, then they start rebuilding cell by cell.  All stem cells have a designation when they are finished.  Some become muscle cells other bone then some skin.  This is my basic understanding on how stem cells work in a newt.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Onion Tip Lab

This is our graph on the percent of each phase that our section of onion cells spends in each phase of mitosis.  Mitosis is a process in which one cell divides and forms one new cell.  Interphase is the phase of mitosis in which the cell prepares for the division.  Prophase is when the cell's nuclear membrane breaks down and the chromosomes are allowed to run free basically.  Metaphase is when the spindle fibers appear and attach to each chromosome and pull them to the middle of the cell.  Anaphase is when the spindle fibers pull the chromosomes two opposite poles of the the cell.  Telophase is when the cells start to separate.  Cytokinesis is when the cells finish separating and develop nuclear membranes.  Our cell spent the most time in interphase.  The next phase it spent the most time in was prophase.  Metaphase was the third, anaphase the fourth and telophase came in last.  We did not see any cells in the phase of cytokinesis. This is my understanding of Mitosis.