Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Well for this movie only being two years younger than me... it was AWESOME.  I really think that this will be possible in the future.  I don't know if i will like it too much but i really think that this will happen eventually.  If this becomes possible in the near future it will take cyber creeping (not stalking but pretty close...) to a whole new level (talking about the part in the movie where the lady kissed the guy then got his DNA analyzed). My favorite character in this movie had to be the real Jerome Morrow.  He was in my mind the typical british shlum.   He had an amazing life but one day he just threw it all away when he jumped in front of a car.  He was my favorite character because he had everything then lost it all.  Then he dug him self out of a whole and helped someone get everything he wanted to but wasn't able t do.   The society in GATTACA resembles the eugenics movement because they WERE making the perfect human, while in the eugenics movement we TRIED making the perfect race.  The society in GATTACA was pretty messed up.  If you weren't perfect you weren't accepted even if you were smarter or even better than the supposed perfect people.  What was right about the society was that there weren't any diseases, or problems with the people.   The relationship between vincent and anton was not so great.  They were technically brothers but they acted more like they were enemies.  Vincent was proud to have Anton as a brother but this relationship wasn't mutual.  Even though Vincent saved Anton's life Anton still despised him so eventually vincent took himself out of the picture...literally.  All in all this movie was the future that will eventually come across.  And you know what i am perfectly fine with that. :)