Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Animal Indexing Expirement

Well...(I need to start my blogs differently next year) this Animal Indexing Experiment was very very easy.  A little background on the subject here first.  We as a whole biology class went out on a special walking route for thirty minutes twice a week for two weeks.  On this walk we counted the number of cats, dogs, and any other animal we saw.  Once we saw them we considered if they were domesticated non-domesticated, or unknown.  Our observations will be sent to Animal Assistance Foundation to see if the population of animals have gone down because of spaying and neutering.  If it has it is a very good thing because the animal population is growing so rapid that it is becoming out of control.  So our role in this experiment was collecting all the data for their calculations.  I had an AWESOME year with you and in your class.  I can't wait for next year to come so i can have you as a teacher again.  Have a great summer Mr. Ludwig.