Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Animal Indexing Expirement

Well...(I need to start my blogs differently next year) this Animal Indexing Experiment was very very easy.  A little background on the subject here first.  We as a whole biology class went out on a special walking route for thirty minutes twice a week for two weeks.  On this walk we counted the number of cats, dogs, and any other animal we saw.  Once we saw them we considered if they were domesticated non-domesticated, or unknown.  Our observations will be sent to Animal Assistance Foundation to see if the population of animals have gone down because of spaying and neutering.  If it has it is a very good thing because the animal population is growing so rapid that it is becoming out of control.  So our role in this experiment was collecting all the data for their calculations.  I had an AWESOME year with you and in your class.  I can't wait for next year to come so i can have you as a teacher again.  Have a great summer Mr. Ludwig.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Well for this movie only being two years younger than me... it was AWESOME.  I really think that this will be possible in the future.  I don't know if i will like it too much but i really think that this will happen eventually.  If this becomes possible in the near future it will take cyber creeping (not stalking but pretty close...) to a whole new level (talking about the part in the movie where the lady kissed the guy then got his DNA analyzed). My favorite character in this movie had to be the real Jerome Morrow.  He was in my mind the typical british shlum.   He had an amazing life but one day he just threw it all away when he jumped in front of a car.  He was my favorite character because he had everything then lost it all.  Then he dug him self out of a whole and helped someone get everything he wanted to but wasn't able t do.   The society in GATTACA resembles the eugenics movement because they WERE making the perfect human, while in the eugenics movement we TRIED making the perfect race.  The society in GATTACA was pretty messed up.  If you weren't perfect you weren't accepted even if you were smarter or even better than the supposed perfect people.  What was right about the society was that there weren't any diseases, or problems with the people.   The relationship between vincent and anton was not so great.  They were technically brothers but they acted more like they were enemies.  Vincent was proud to have Anton as a brother but this relationship wasn't mutual.  Even though Vincent saved Anton's life Anton still despised him so eventually vincent took himself out of the picture...literally.  All in all this movie was the future that will eventually come across.  And you know what i am perfectly fine with that. :)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Pedigree Post

Well here are my answers to the questions yaaaaaaaa i went there.  This post won't be two great structually wise but it'll hopefully get the job done.  The picture was being all dumb and wouldn't rotate for me so sorry.

Autosomal Dominant Traits.
1. Autosomal dominant disorders do not skip generations, since they are dominant  they show up in each generation.
2.  Greg or his mother could be carriers of the gene causes MD because it could be recessive since greg's aunt and uncle have it.
3. There isn't a probabilty that greg's aunt or uncle are homozygous for MD because it isn't homozygous in either his grandpa or grandma.
4.There is a 50/50 possiblity that his cousins have inherited the MD gene because his aunt is heterozygous for the MD gene.
5. The probabilty that greg and olga's child will have MD is 0%.

Autosomal Recessive Traits
1.  A hallmark of a recessive trait is that it skips generations.
2.Consanguineous is having the same ancestry or of descent.  This is important because when you are talking about recessive traits because this means that they are dominant.
3.  The inheritence pattern is completly random so it leads me to sex linked trait.

Sex- Linked Inheritence
1.  The characteristics of recessive x-linked chromosomes are that they can only be passed onto women.
2.  A defective x chromosome can not be passed on to a boy because males are XY and girls are XX. A girl always give's X but the male can  X orY.  So for the male to give a defective X it would be a girl.
3.A defective X gene is required to display a recessive sex-linked trait.
5. There is a 75% chance of olga carrying factor VIII defecincy. Her offspring have the same chance.  No male and female children have the chance.
6.Greg has a 75% chance of passing it on too.  He can pass it onto his sons and daughters.  Daughters will be more affected than sons.

Friday, March 4, 2011

DNA Lab Analysis

Not gonna lie this lab was really interesting to me.  The wheat germ soup looked like an alcoholic beverage with different layers and lots of floaties at the bottom (I don't drink, i know this cause my brother is a Bar Tender at Olive Garden).  When we first added the detergent our mixture had a giant blue cloud in it.  After we mixed it for awhile it made the soup look more cloudy.  I think that at this step the cells' DNA were separating into single chromosome chains.  After we added the alcohol the mixture separated into two parts the wheat germ part and the single alcohol part.  After awhile the DNA started to rise between the two parts.  At this step the different densities of substances are going to there rightful places and settling there.  I don't know really what they're doing cell wise.  At the interface between the water and alcohol the DNA is clumping up in between the two layers.  I think it is trying to create cells.  Totally truthful here, DNA looks like white boogers.  This is my Analysis of our DNA lab.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Eugenics Report/Post

Well as you may see by the title of this blog post/research paper its all about Eugenics. There will be information about its social and scientific origins, How, specifically, they researched it, and finally how it impacted America. I hope you enjoy this personalized article of Eugenics.

First of all i would like to explain what Eugenics are. Eugenics are basically in common men terms breeding of humans. The social origins behind it were that too many immigrants were coming into the country. When they would reproduce, some of their children would have mutations. The people in the upper class didn’t want “ freaks” in America so scientists came up with the idea of Eugenics. Scientists thought that this was okay because they were being funded by the rich. The children that were born would be sterilized so they couldn’t have mutated kids. That was the social origin of Eugenics.

The first scientific theory of eugenics was if you masturbated you were considered a degenerate and you would be sterilized. This was the sterilization law of 1907. In the mid 19th century scientists started to believe that certain environments caused degenerate heredity. They said that a good environment would change bad heredity into good within three generations. Anton Ochsner and Harry Sharp were convinced that social failure was a medical problem. This meaning that if you didn’t have a stable job, or any education then it was a medical problem. So they came to believed that degeneracy was caused by a germ plasma.

Eugenics research all started with Mendel’s laws of inheritance of human traits. Eugenic researchers attempted to trace genetics by a family tree or pedigree. While recording this genetics they altarted to make mistakes. They could do simple things like face shape but complex things as musical talent or intelligence were barely possible. Most of the data that eugenicists used were from surveys called ERO’s which are records of family traits. Were they went wrong was surveying people instead of looking at their traits in person.

Eugenics did many things in America. the first and major one was making us better educated. The next thing that it did was cool down the crime of that time. Finally eugenics tried to make America a pure race. this is my report on what eugenics are, the social and scientific origins, how they affected us, and finally how they were researched.


Friday, January 14, 2011


Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh Meiosis is coming run for your life!  Watch out prophase is starting.  There isn't a nucleus anymore.  The chromosomes are starting to line up.  oh no its metaphase.  Woah wait half the mom's chromosomes are on one side of the cell and the dad's are on the other side.  Oh no the cell is starting to divide its anaphase. Its telophase now and the cells keep dividing.  No its cytokinesis there is two of them now.  Were all gonna DIE!!!!!!  Hey wait they are entering prophase two.  Now metaphase, now anaphase, here comes telophase...I am sorry to inform you but this is a national alert please go to your base ment.  There are four giant cells after only one cycle of meiosis.  WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE (eventually).

Stem cell video reflection

Well on Monday January 10, 2011 we watched a lecture on stem cell research.  Dr. Rosenthal talked mostly about newt's and how they can regenerate entire limbs in about an average period of 70 days.  They can do this because of stem cells.  The Stem cells first close up the wound, then they start rebuilding cell by cell.  All stem cells have a designation when they are finished.  Some become muscle cells other bone then some skin.  This is my basic understanding on how stem cells work in a newt.