Friday, March 4, 2011

DNA Lab Analysis

Not gonna lie this lab was really interesting to me.  The wheat germ soup looked like an alcoholic beverage with different layers and lots of floaties at the bottom (I don't drink, i know this cause my brother is a Bar Tender at Olive Garden).  When we first added the detergent our mixture had a giant blue cloud in it.  After we mixed it for awhile it made the soup look more cloudy.  I think that at this step the cells' DNA were separating into single chromosome chains.  After we added the alcohol the mixture separated into two parts the wheat germ part and the single alcohol part.  After awhile the DNA started to rise between the two parts.  At this step the different densities of substances are going to there rightful places and settling there.  I don't know really what they're doing cell wise.  At the interface between the water and alcohol the DNA is clumping up in between the two layers.  I think it is trying to create cells.  Totally truthful here, DNA looks like white boogers.  This is my Analysis of our DNA lab.

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