Thursday, December 16, 2010

Cell Structure

Lets  start out with the cell membrane.  The cell membrane is a semi-permiable meaning that in only lets certain stuff in and out.  After this you encounter the cytoplasm.  Cytoplasm is the fluid that all the organelles are suspended in.  It also helps maintain the cell's shape. The next structure I want to talk about is the Nucleus.  The Nucleus controls the activity of the cell and houses our genes.  Inside the Nucleus is a Nucleolus.  The Nucleolus transcribes and assembles RNA.  The Nuclear membrane is a double membrane that holds in all of our genetic material.

Endoplasmic Reticulum has two parts to it, smooth and the rough.  The smooth ER synthesizes lipids and steroids, metabolizes carbohydrates and steroids, and regulates calcium concentration, drug detoxification, and attaches receptors onto cell membrane proteins.  The rough ER synthesizes proteins. 

All the other parts of the cell are vacuoles, mitochondrion's, Golgi bodies, ribosomes, lysosomes, and finally centrosomes.  Vacuoles are compartments that are filled with water that contain organic or inorganic material.  A mitochondrion generates most of the cells supply of ATP.  Golgi bodies process and package macromolecules.  Ribosomes make proteins from all of the cells amino acids.  Lysosomes contain acid that break up cellular waste and debris.  They also hydrolase enzymes.  Lastly we have centrosomes.  Centrosomes regulate cell cycle progression.  These are all of the parts of the cell and what they do.      

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