Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Pedigree Post

Well here are my answers to the questions yaaaaaaaa i went there.  This post won't be two great structually wise but it'll hopefully get the job done.  The picture was being all dumb and wouldn't rotate for me so sorry.

Autosomal Dominant Traits.
1. Autosomal dominant disorders do not skip generations, since they are dominant  they show up in each generation.
2.  Greg or his mother could be carriers of the gene causes MD because it could be recessive since greg's aunt and uncle have it.
3. There isn't a probabilty that greg's aunt or uncle are homozygous for MD because it isn't homozygous in either his grandpa or grandma.
4.There is a 50/50 possiblity that his cousins have inherited the MD gene because his aunt is heterozygous for the MD gene.
5. The probabilty that greg and olga's child will have MD is 0%.

Autosomal Recessive Traits
1.  A hallmark of a recessive trait is that it skips generations.
2.Consanguineous is having the same ancestry or of descent.  This is important because when you are talking about recessive traits because this means that they are dominant.
3.  The inheritence pattern is completly random so it leads me to sex linked trait.

Sex- Linked Inheritence
1.  The characteristics of recessive x-linked chromosomes are that they can only be passed onto women.
2.  A defective x chromosome can not be passed on to a boy because males are XY and girls are XX. A girl always give's X but the male can  X orY.  So for the male to give a defective X it would be a girl.
3.A defective X gene is required to display a recessive sex-linked trait.
5. There is a 75% chance of olga carrying factor VIII defecincy. Her offspring have the same chance.  No male and female children have the chance.
6.Greg has a 75% chance of passing it on too.  He can pass it onto his sons and daughters.  Daughters will be more affected than sons.

Friday, March 4, 2011

DNA Lab Analysis

Not gonna lie this lab was really interesting to me.  The wheat germ soup looked like an alcoholic beverage with different layers and lots of floaties at the bottom (I don't drink, i know this cause my brother is a Bar Tender at Olive Garden).  When we first added the detergent our mixture had a giant blue cloud in it.  After we mixed it for awhile it made the soup look more cloudy.  I think that at this step the cells' DNA were separating into single chromosome chains.  After we added the alcohol the mixture separated into two parts the wheat germ part and the single alcohol part.  After awhile the DNA started to rise between the two parts.  At this step the different densities of substances are going to there rightful places and settling there.  I don't know really what they're doing cell wise.  At the interface between the water and alcohol the DNA is clumping up in between the two layers.  I think it is trying to create cells.  Totally truthful here, DNA looks like white boogers.  This is my Analysis of our DNA lab.