Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Acids and Bases

Well this lab I really enjoyed.  It taught me a lot about how anti-acids work.  well first i learned what qualified as a base, acid and a neutral.  Anything from 1-6 on the pH scale is an acid.  7 is neutral on the pH scale.  8-14 on this same scale is known as a base.  Something becomes an acid when it has more negative parts than positive.  Something becomes a base when the positive parts outnumber the negative parts.  A base is when the number of parts are equal to each other.  Water starts off having no charge.  Then a H2O molecule takes a H from another H2O.  This makes it H30+ and OH-.  Anti-acids are made up of carbon.  Anti-acids work by taking the hydrogen atoms from the stomach acid and then makes a molecule using the hydrogen.  These elements bond so well because of the distance they are from each other on the periodical table.  Hydrogen is in column 1 while Carbon is in 14.  This is what i've learned from this lab.  

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

properties of water

Well as many of you know, water has very many properties.  For now i just like to focus on its physical properties.  Water has four of these, adhesion, cohesion, surface tension, and specific heat.  Cohesion is when all of the positively charged hydrogen molecules are bonded to the negatively charged oxygen molecules.  This allows the water to defy gravity in some situations.  An example of this is trees.  The water molecules travel all the way from the base to the leaves.   Another example was in our lab.  We tried to cut the water with the toothpick but the molecules stuck to each other instead of the toothpick or the wax paper.   Adhesion is when water(a liquid) is bonded to a solid.  This is also how a tree gets water to its leaves.  The water molecules stick to the tubules in a tree.  Another example of adhesion was in our last lab.  The water traveled down the string because the molecules stuck to it.  Surface tension is the amount of force it takes to break the bonds of water molecules.   Some objects have enough mass to break through the bonds but others can literally walk on top of water.  My example of surface tension is the childhood game of red rover.  The linked hands are the bonds of water molecules.  The other team sends a person or a water drop to try and break the bond.  If this person's mass is great they will break this bond.  If it is of lesser mass then they will not break the bond, instead they will become apart of it.  This also reminds me of the previous lab. The penny just kept collecting water drops.  At first the bonds were very strong, but after every drop they became weaker until finally all the bonds broke and the water overflowed onto the table.  This is also cohesion.  The last property i would like to talk about is Specific Heat.  Specific Heat is the amount of heat it takes to raise one gram of water one degree Celsius.  Water has a high specific heat because it is designed to easily bond together.  When water is heated most of the energy is used to break the bonds of the molecules first instead of being used to heat the molecules.  Water is able to withstand numerous heat changes.  This describes why earth's climates vary so much.  This is what i have learned from the lab and the properties of water videos.          

Friday, September 3, 2010

Well these past days we have been going over Standard 4.  In Standard 4 you are supposed to carry out scientific investigations to solve problems, formulate hypotheses, and designed controlled experiments.  By using the clinical trials site, I have learned how to design a good clinical study.  First of all you need to figure out what disease to test.  Then you need to select a group of volunteers with this disease.  Good trials are double-blind which means the patient doesn't know what he is taking and the doctor doesn't know what drug he gave him.  After all the easy stuff you need to determine a testing period.  At the end of this period you will know who took the pill or who took the placebo.  If people got better they took the right pill.  If they stayed the same, they either didn't take the pill or your pill didn't work.  This is the knowledge that i have gained over the past days.