Friday, September 3, 2010

Well these past days we have been going over Standard 4.  In Standard 4 you are supposed to carry out scientific investigations to solve problems, formulate hypotheses, and designed controlled experiments.  By using the clinical trials site, I have learned how to design a good clinical study.  First of all you need to figure out what disease to test.  Then you need to select a group of volunteers with this disease.  Good trials are double-blind which means the patient doesn't know what he is taking and the doctor doesn't know what drug he gave him.  After all the easy stuff you need to determine a testing period.  At the end of this period you will know who took the pill or who took the placebo.  If people got better they took the right pill.  If they stayed the same, they either didn't take the pill or your pill didn't work.  This is the knowledge that i have gained over the past days.

1 comment:

  1. It is important for studies to be double blind so you don't convince yourself that the medicine you got is working if you have gotten the placebo's. You use placebos as a control medicine for your patients.
