Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Acids and Bases

Well this lab I really enjoyed.  It taught me a lot about how anti-acids work.  well first i learned what qualified as a base, acid and a neutral.  Anything from 1-6 on the pH scale is an acid.  7 is neutral on the pH scale.  8-14 on this same scale is known as a base.  Something becomes an acid when it has more negative parts than positive.  Something becomes a base when the positive parts outnumber the negative parts.  A base is when the number of parts are equal to each other.  Water starts off having no charge.  Then a H2O molecule takes a H from another H2O.  This makes it H30+ and OH-.  Anti-acids are made up of carbon.  Anti-acids work by taking the hydrogen atoms from the stomach acid and then makes a molecule using the hydrogen.  These elements bond so well because of the distance they are from each other on the periodical table.  Hydrogen is in column 1 while Carbon is in 14.  This is what i've learned from this lab.  

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